Thursday, August 6, 2009

Preparing for a long week after a long week

We returned from our trip to Great Falls on Tuesday. I don't know why, but I find vacations somewhat exhausting. I get extra sleep and help with Bennett from my mom. When I finally get home it seems a few days of recovery are needed. I am almost back to feeling like myself. Except my boobs are very lumpy and painful right now...I know TMI, but too bad for you. I stopped pumping over 10 days ago and felt fine until this past Sunday. Now I am in significant discomfort. Running or fast walking is out of the question. I think what I am experiencing now is normal, but I am taking my temp everyday to make sure I avoid an infection.

No pump in my life has been liberating and a bit sad at the same time. I knew there would be feelings of both. It was great to go to the wedding and be able to drink freely and not leave to pump in the middle of the reception. On the other hand, it assuaged my guilt of nursing failure to at least give Bennett some breast milk. Still dealing with it slowly and trying to be kind to myself. I guess I knew that parenting would be a somewhat guilt-ridden process (nursing isn't the only issue one can feel guilty about), but didn't realize the magnitude of the emotions it creates in everyday life. Wow. Too much psych talk for this blog, sorry about that.

Our trip was enjoyable. My mom was very helpful with Bennett, including getting up with him in the mornings. The extra sleep was wonderful. We ate out at our/my favorite places and got to see most everyone.

This is my public apology to Heather. Let me preface with a story about Heather and I (and I think Sara was there also?) about 10 years ago. We were backing out of my driveway and I backed into a HUGE RED TRUCK that was squarely behind me. Like it was right there and obvious. Fast forward to last week. I was in the Prius with Melanie, Heather, and Bennett (and Gwendolyn of course). We were backing out of my mom's driveway and I backed right into Heather's car!!! AHHH!!! I left a dent in her bumper. To make the story even better, I have a backup camera for such situations. Very useful. I am sorry for that and let me know the cost if you ever get it fixed.

My dad has finally decided on his own accord to quit driving this month. Well, the decision came with the help of a new law that requires each person on the car registration to provide a valid driver's license. His expired last October and he was unable to pass the vision test. Now the registration is up this month. He is in pretty rough shape as far as his vision and reflexes are concerned. And he finally admits that he worries about hurting someone else. I'm hoping my aunt and uncle will be able to share the responsibility of taking him out to shop once per week. I know that is a lot to ask of a sibling with a family. Apparently Great Harvest Bread will deliver to him, which is most of what he eats anyway. So shopping shouldn't be a along process. I made him a batch of chile and put it into single serving containers last time I was there since he can't open cans anymore. When I snuck a look into the freezer, over 75% was still there. Almost all the muffins I made were still there as well. What a wasted effort, but not at all surprising.

It seems that Bennett is slowly resolving some of his sleep issues. He is only waking briefly 1-2 times per night at this point, usually very close to the morning. I'll take it! His rolling is stalled right now at only rolling off of his tummy on the left side (along with rolling onto his tummy from both directions whenever the chance is presented). However, he is starting to put his but in the air and try to propel himself. He can also turn his entire body on his stomach to see things on either side of him. I don't think crawling is crazy far off. I am hoping by his first birthday, that will keep him on track developmentally.

He enjoyed his trips to the pools in Great Falls. The drive was more difficult that the trip in April/May when he slept more, but still very manageable. He needed more frequent entertainment and has some minor meltdowns. Still, I thought he did really well for spending 12 hours in a car seat.

Oh, one more thing. We came hope to the biggest summer squash I have ever seen. I can't believe I forgot to take a picture of it before I cut it up. Normally they are about 6-8 inches long and 2-3 inches thick. This one was at least 18 inches long and 8 inches thick. It was a monsterous alien life-form. I made an entire squash casserole out of it (recipe called for 6 squash) and still have half left. That's some good cow poo dirt Bernie got back there.


Kristen J. said...

I can only imagine how hard it was to stop pumping, but you need to do what's right for you, too! I think you're doing great and you made the right decision for you. Plus Benny-boo seemed happy eating other things and didn't seem to flinch with formula -- he is happy, too. That is all that matters, don't let anyone make you feel any differently.

Glad the trip was a success! I forgot about the red truck incident, hahaha! We've all done it. Well, most of us have.

Also glad to hear your dad will be getting some help so he doesn't have to drive. Poor guy.

Sara Habein said...

I wasn't there when you ran into it, but Mel and I came by later that day, and you were "not talking to anyone." So we sat in the backyard for a little while (I think you mom had friends over?)... and I don't remember if you ever came upstairs or not?

Re: the pumping... A happy mama makes for a happy baby, so try not to feel too guilty. I know it's tough. You made it longer than I did.

Sara Habein said...

'your mom,' I meant in the first paragraph there, obviously.

Amanda and Bernie said...

I swear there was someone else in that car, I just can't remember who it was!

Thanks for the kind words ladies. It helps just to know there are people out there trying to understand.