Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bullet points will have to do

-We have obviously been super busy.

-The walk was this past weekend.  Thanks to all who donated.  We might break $5,000, which is disappointing when considering last year's $17,000.  But for pulling it together at the last moment, I'll take it.  I had a lot of really great volunteers this year that want to form a planning committee for next year.  I hope that actually happens because we will be able to accomplish so much more if each person can focus on specific tasks instead of me trying to coordinate everything.  We are definitely dumping the 5K next year and doing just a walk.  The 5K timer/manger got people off course AGAIN this year and it costs close to $1500.  And we are not attracting even close to the number of outside people to pay for it.  So, we will focus on making the event more meaningful for area survivors.

-Our old house closes on June 6th.  It is 98% emptied.  We plan to finish clearing it out tomorrow and I will head over to clean on Friday.  I cannot wait until that part of the process is finished.  We made our first double mortgage payment this month and are happy it will be the only one.

-The new house is coming together.  We are almost entirely unpacked but things are still somewhat disorganized and messy.  I'm trying to remind myself that it is a process.  The backyard is so great.  Bernie and I just like to sit outside after the kids are in bed looking at the mountains with a margarita in hand.  That's the life I've always dreamed of.  Also, we have lots of room.  So come visit.

-Bennett went to his first baseball game with Bernie tonight.  They had a great time and I just got him to bed after 9:30.  It should be an interesting morning.

-Bennett finished up public preschool last week.  He has one week of vacation and then he is doing three four-hour days of preschool at Tiny Tim, where is gets his therapy.  We are going to visit tomorrow and meet the teacher.  He has absolutely loved going to school.  It should be interesting to see how he adjusts to a new classroom, teacher, classmates, going more days a week, and for longer periods of time each day.

-Bennett came home with his first school picture a couple of weeks ago.  It is so freaking cute to watch him with it.  He holds it, admires everyone it it, and repeatedly says "my fwends!"

-Vivian is talking a crazy amount.  I'm sure my perception has been shaped by Bennett who said basically nothing until he was three.  Vivian mimics absolutely everything and must pick up 3-5 words every day.  She is also likes a bit of drama and throws her share of fits on a daily basis.

-I don't even want to type this because I'm sure it will all be ruined.  Vivian is sleeping through the night about 25% of the time.  This is a huge development in in this house and we hope to keep building on it (edited to add: 5 minutes after I typed this, Vivian woke up).

-Faggfest is coming up in about six weeks.  I'm getting excited to see everyone!  I think we will spend a night or two in Missoula as well.