Tuesday, August 25, 2009

9 month visit

No shots this time. Bennett did have to have his toe pricked for a blood test but he was a total trooper. He hardly even whined. He also had to give a urine sample (which I had never heard of). They gave me this sticky little bag that I put on under his diaper. It didn't work very well but they said it was enough. The blood test results were normal and I haven't heard anything about the UA. He weighed 18lbs 8oz and was 27 1/4 inches. He is staying on his growth curve nicely. The MD did say that we could start dairy, meat, and bread products at any time. We have only been doing cereal, fruit, and veggies since May. Yesterday, I gave him some yogurt which he seemed to enjoy. I hadn't started anything else because I wasn't sure if I should be treating him as a 7 or 9 month old when it came to food. The MD felt like 9 months was more appropriate and that we would plan on getting off of the formula in November rather than January. Developmentally, Bennett is somewhere between 7 and 8 months.

I forgot to mention in my last post that we ordered Bennett's next car seat. I thought he was going to be closer to the 22lb limit than he is, but he will probably be more comfortable switching soon anyway. I spent quite a bit of time weighing the options. The bigger ones are nice because they go up to 65 lbs, but god they take up a lot of space in the back of the Prius. I decided to go with the Combi Coccoro in chestnut brown:


It is significantly smaller and will be a much better fit in our small car. It only goes up to 40 lbs, but at Bennett's growth rate he'll be 3 1/2 before he grows out of it. A person might even be comfortable sitting on the side with the seat in the middle, what a concept!

I ruined Bennett's activity mat last night. I put it in the dryer and it melted in a couple of spots. I swear I have dried it before...whatever. It's basically toast now.

My mom will be here in about a week. I asked her what she wanted to do and she said "nothing." She just wants to relax. Fine by me.


Kristen J. said...

That looks like a nice smaller seat. I need to get one for Phil's car, looks like it would work well. I do hate that you can't fit anyone in the back with the monstrous ones!

Aww, little Bennett is sounding like such a cute little trooper. I wouldn't personally stress over the food stuff, I think doctors overplay the "FEED THEM MORE" thing way too much. A friend of mine said she was scolded for only giving her 8 month old a jar and a half of food a day and the doc said he should be getting 3. Umm I thought the AAP recommended that all kids under 1 get most of their nutrition from formula/breastmilk? Why would it matter if it was 1 jar or 3 jars if the kid is growing normally? And if the milk provides most of the nutrition, isn't the food all about introducing new textures and flavors and getting them used to food, not giving them a bulk of their nutrition?

This stuff baffles me.

Amanda and Bernie said...

It seems like everyone has their own take on the food situation, that's for sure. I try not to stress too much about it. He definitely wasn't pushy but just letting me know that it was safe to introduce other things when we are ready.

I'm just excited to be done with the formula as soon as possible so the guilt of that can go away. It's nice to know that we can consider him his actual age in some capacity.

Heather said...

Way to go, Bennett! I am so thankful that he is growing and developing so well. He is such a good little baby. I cannot wait to see him again.