Monday, October 29, 2007

I was browsing my photo library and wanted to share this classic

Crunch Time

I'm definately feeling it. It's over halfway through the semester and the big projects are looming. This week I have to spend two days in a nursing home to collect data for a needs assessment I'm doing and complete what's shaping up to be a fifteen page paper for a different class. My brain is feeling a bit academicized (no, I do not know if that is a word), but it's exciting at the same time.

However, I have been reconsidering the whole PhD plan. I have always harbored fantasies of being a professor, but a dissertation may be too much. And I am surprised by how much I miss direct practice. I really, really miss my residents! Instead, I will probobly complete an MSW eventually. I should be able finish that in a year or less and then I will be eligible for a state license. I suppose I should finish the degree I'm working on now first...

Bernie has been in North Dakota hunting for the past few days so I have been flying solo...which translates into lots of homework and HGTV. He's coming home tonight and I have informed him that he's taking me to dinner for a little socialization. After all, the research shows that socialization and goal-directed behavior are protections against the development of Alzheimer's Disease! That's the kind of shit swimming around my head at any given moment.

In other exciting news, I bought two baby plants last week and potted them today. Before we moved, I had two plants. One in particular I had grown successfully for two years. They were not going to live through the trip, so I gave them to my mom and cried a little bit. So now I will try the whole plant mommy thing again and try not to get so attached. I also got tree/shrub and flower books so I can start planning for next spring.

Friday, October 19, 2007

goings on

Wow...I'm really bad about the regular updates. Actually I told Bernie I was not going to update until he contributed, but here I am.

Things have been busy lately with the visitors we've had. My dad was here for a week and we are currently entertaining my mother. Needless to say, she is the more exciting of the two. We have been doing plenty of shopping and also toured Anheuser-Busch yesterday in Ft. Collins. Today we ate too much Mexican food and shopped in Boulder. Tomorrow it is on to Denver for the tall shop search. She wanted to buy me fancy salt and pepper grinders today at one store, to which I reminded her that the only time I could tell the difference between regular salt and kosher salt was on my margarita glass, and I can buy that already made. She has been doing her normal thing, making friends wherever she lands. I dropped her off in Greeley (per her request) yesterday. She wandered around and succeeded in making three friends, including a Mexican couple who told her to contact them anytime she needed anything in the future. Where did I miss that gene?

I also bought a new computer yesterday...a Macbook pro. The new OS comes out next week and I get to update for only $9.95. For those of you who have been closet Mac fans all along, the time has come to switch. The new OS will run Leopard and Windows.

Plans are in the works for a trip to Great Falls over Thanksgiving, pending Bernie getting the time off.