Friday, June 15, 2012

Settling in

It seems like we are finally settling back into a routine and it feels good.

We are doing the potty training thing with Bennett pretty hardcore at the moment.  He is only wearing diapers to bed, and is otherwise in pull-ups or underwear during the day.  It is going well most days.  He can be resistant to peeing, but can usually be convinced.  Pee accidents are fairly rare.  He usually refuses to go poop in the potty (or in his diaper for that matter) and holds it like crazy instead.  So he is on a steady diet of stool softener to regulate things out.  That and lots and lots and lots of bribes.  We're those parents for sure.  Right now he is working towards a Thomas bridge for his train tracks.

Our garden is quite small this year as we need to do some serious planning for the yard for next year.  I just bought a few tomatoes and peppers for containers and will see how that goes.  We also signed up for a CSA at a local farm and have been getting plenty of veggies from there every week.  It's pushed me to try new things and new recipes (collard greens for example).  And it's nice to get the kids at least exposed to different things, even if they don't always eat them.  Bennett has actually improved immensely and will try almost anything.  He loves mac and cheese all of a sudden after refusing to even touch it for 3+ years and is easily convinced to eat most vegetables.

Bennett is enjoying his new preschool and Vivian is loving the extra time alone with us.  She is now sleeping through the night better than 50% of the time.  Mom is doing the extra-happy dance every morning when I wake up having gotten seven or more hours of uninterrupted sleep.

We have been going cable-less since we moved into the new house.  It seemed silly to pay over $100 a month for something we rarely watched.  The kids like their daily dose of cartoons, so we have been hooking up the ipad to the TV to supply those.  I just signed up for streaming Netflix to see what we think.  Are there any other suggestions?  I really want to watch Six Feet Under in it's entirety, but I'm definitely not buying it on iTunes and it isn't available streaming on Netflix.  I might just have to sign up to get the DVD's in the mail from them instead.

We have our weekly trip to the library this afternoon, so I better get to taping up some of the books we borrowed.