Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It's spring, which means...

allergies. I think. I'm not positive, but I am stuffed up and feel just a bit strange. It's about two months earlier than I usually notice them, but maybe things bloom earlier in Colorado. Or maybe it's a cold.

I have been keeping myself busy with schoolwork as always. The end of the semester is only three weeks away. 24 credits down, 9 to go. I keep telling myself it's a downhill slide from here. I am enjoying my time in school, despite the sometimes monotonous paper-writing.

We have been laying fairly low lately. Bernie finished up his dodge ball season and will start softball soon. We went down to Denver last week and watched a Frozen Four game (which North Dakota lost badly) and had a nice dinner downtown. We're going back next week for a Rockies game (and hopefully another nice dinner). I have to say that eating out remains one of my favorite pastimes.

We have plans to go to Vegas in June to see Elton John, which have not come all the way to fruition because my mother has not yet let me know if she is going. She has been freaking out about her taxes and has not known what she will owe. I called her today and she has not returned the message. I get the feeling I am being avoided...Either way, we're going. His contract in Vegas is up this year and I would be very upset to miss him. Furthermore, neither Bernie nor I have ever been to Vegas-which is a sad commentary.

We are also waiting for Bernie's sister, her husband, and their daughter to visit in early May. We haven't seen little Emily since last summer, which is a shame. I'm looking forward to interacting with her and have heard that she maintains a strong personality. The world needs more girls like her!