Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Excitement in the Meier Household

After a couple of weeks of mommy worry related to Bennett's development, things are starting to progress. I was beginning to fear that he may have some delays. About three days ago he really started to discover his lower body. He has progressed quickly from the top of his pants, to his knees, and finally his feet. He does not hold on to them for long but is trying for them. The same day I found him on his tummy in his crib! He now rolls easily onto his tummy if he wants to get to a toy. About 6 weeks ago he was rolling off of his tummy but now he is back to yelling to get off of it. He rarely figures out how to do it himself. Overall I am so please to see that he is on track with his adjusted age. His sitting is even getting better. He loves to sit and can do it by himself for 5-10 seconds sometimes.

Our gardens are getting crazy around here. The squash plants are completely out of control and the corn plants actually have ears already. There are pictures/videos of both topics on the Flickr page.

Bernie is on a stretch of 7 midnight shifts...ewww. I will be glad when they are done on Friday morning, but not as happy as he will be I'm sure. We are going to Craig and Michaela's for a 4th of July get together. On Sunday, my family from Boulder are coming for dinner. So the weekend is shaping up to be busy. And it's less than a month until we go back to Great Falls.

Friday, June 26, 2009


We returned to Colorado on Tuesday after spending a week in Portland. It was a great trip. Crystal and Jeremie were wonderful hosts. Even with three young children we managed to get out quite a bit. I went to Powell's Bookstore for the first time and discovered a place where I could possibly happily spend the rest of my life. The place takes up an entire city block. I only got to the sale shelves and still walked out with seven books for me and four for Bennett. I have never seen books on sale in a store like that. I didn't spend more than $6.95 for any of them (all new). Apparently books can be ordered online and shipping is free for orders over $50. They may be my new book source from now on.

Bernie and I took a side trip to Bend which is about three hours from Portland. We visited a couple of old friends from Great Falls which was fun. They just had a newborn baby boy five days before we got there. At 8 lbs, he seemed so tiny. I can't believe Bennett was half his size. Bennett had a HORRIBLE blow out on the way up which resulted in throwing away a onsie.

Bernie and Jeremie went fishing on the ocean for Father's Day. They caught a ton of fish, but Bernie was unfortunately very ill the entire time. He threw up about 20 times while on the boat. Bernie being Bernie claims he had fun despite all the retching. We were all in Lincoln City for the fishing trip and stayed in a hotel next to the ocean. It was beautiful, although a totally different beach experience than San Diego. It was very cool with hardly any people around. I think I prefer the less crowded beach even if there will be no suntanning. Bernie and I got to spend an our or so in the evening on the beach at sunset. It was beautiful and a moment I will never forget.

The rose garden was amazing. Emily had a great time running around taking pictures with my camera. She surprisingly got a few good ones.

We went to a winery on the day we left. We got a little tipsy in the middle of the afternoon. It would be great to return one day to see a few of the wineries, with a designated driver of course!

If you ever get a chance to eat fresh Mt. Hood strawberries, don't miss it. They are the most amazing strawberries I have ever eaten. I didn't know they could taste that good.

Seeing Emily and meeting Grant was fun. Emily is growing up so fast. She has a ton of energy and has a very cute personality. Grant is much more laid back and can entertain himself nicely. Hopefully Bennett learned something from him.

Bennett is doing well...nothing new to report on that front. He is enjoying his solids more and we are up to twice per day.

My mom's visit went well. We did some shopping and cooking, the normal things we do. We also went on the luxury home tour. We only got to see about six out of 27 houses, but the ones we saw were amazing. The most expensive was 6 million. I still enjoy getting out and seeing homes...especially those that cost millions of dollars.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Home for the moment

We returned from San Diego yesterday after a very nice trip. Bennett was an angel on the way down...other than the squealing. He discovered that recently and is also tending to be quite social. The people around us were very nice and smiled/talked with him. He would smile/laugh/squeal in return. The way back was a bit more sketchy. He screamed a couple of times for 30 seconds or so until I could get the bottle in his mouth. The other passengers were not nearly as friendly and did not socialize with Bennett when they tried to get his attention. All in all, not bad on the plane. I even got an aisle seat on both legs although we never left our seat.

It was so great to see and spend time with Kristen and her family. We hadn't really seen each other since our wedding. I enjoyed meeting Phil and Ava...nice to talk with some real other people for a couple of days. We went to a really great park in San Diego with the MOST BEAUTIFUL roses (see the flickr page). We also got to the beach and some yummy restaurants. Thanks for a wonderful weekend.

Bennett was very happy and good during the mornings/days of the trip. But he couldn't seem to get a decent nap in. He was too hyped up and by 5:00 a meltdown ensued until it was time to go to be. Sorry to Kristen and her neighbors for all the noise!

Bennett has started into solid foods. So far he is doing OK...eats about 10 bites and is ready to be done. He had pears today though and definitely seemed to like those quite a bit. We have appointments with the eye MD and physical therapist this week before my mom comes down on Friday. We are going to go on the "luxury home tour." All of the houses are between 1 and 6 million. Fun times for a realtor and her daughter.

Portland is upcoming next Tuesday, pending the outcome of Bernie's jury duty. Hope for us...we really want to get up there.

Tori Amos tickets are in hand. I got pretty good ones in the middle of the orchestra section. The theater only holds just over 1000 people so I imagine most of the seats are decent. Michaela will be joining me as will Marlena hopefully. She wants to make it down so the ticket is waiting.

I am in the process of reading Sara's book for the second time and enjoying it very much. I hope to have my comments ready for you by the end of the month...that's the goal anyway.