Sunday, March 30, 2008

Oasis correction

They are playing in Toronto in September, and there are rumors of Calgary and Seattle in August/June.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

What's new

Not a whole lot really. School seems to be dragging on a bit at this point, but I only have six weeks left until summer vacation. I'm not sure what I will be doing with work, but I assume they will make use of me somehow. I'm also taking one class called Stress Management. It sounds interesting and useful, so I decided to skip the internship I had planned.

Bernie was in Boise last week and I went to Great Falls. I had an OK time, but I was happy to leave again. I forget just how crazy most of the people I know are. My dad had some especially crazy time, with his God talk. When I went home in November, his kitchen faucet was running about half power. I assumed it had just happened and that he would get it fixed. I was incorrect. It was still running last week. My estimation is that it puts out about a gallon a minute, and it happens to be the hot water. I don't know how he showers or washes anything. When I offered to have someone fix it he told me that God turned the water on as some sort of test. If he has enough faith, apparently God will turn it off again. Or you could just replace the washer that's stripped. I didn't know God was so damn bored. What do you do with crazy people?

What else...Bernie's sister and her family are going to visit in May for a couple of days. We are planning a trip to Vegas in June to see Elton John. It's been one of my main goals in life and I'm pretty sure this is his last year there. Oh, and there was an Oasis concert announcement for early September in Calgary. Since their new album is out then also, there should be a concert upcoming. I will not be missing them this time around. Last time, I had to sell the tickets we had for the Vegas concert because we were moving to a new house. Damn adulthood. Plans are for a two week plus trip in June and early July for Great Falls and Bismarck for a couple of weddings.

Today was a beautiful day, I spent some time reading on the front porch. I can't wait to plan my garden and plant my flowers.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Elk at Estes Park

I took the lady I volunteer for to Estes Park today hoping to see some Elk. They are her favorite conversation topic. Here's a picture of the herd we saw...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

It's not so cold anymore.

It's been so long since I updated, it's almost spring. We had a seventy degree day this past weekend. We took advantage of it by riding our bikes around the lake near out house and hitting some golf balls on the driving range. I am excited to see grass turning green and soon the leaves will be out.

Bernie's parents were here again this past weekend. They were on their way down to the Phoenix area where they recently bought a vacation house. I would imagine we will see them frequently as they're going back and forth. We mostly shopped and ate out, which are our normal activities.

Bernie will be in Boise while I am on spring break in a couple of weeks. I was going to go with him, since I have never been, but my mom got her new Apple and needs some help learning how to use it. She needs to start from the basics because she never learned how to do things like save a file. She also says we are going to do some "Cooking 101" which should be fun. Hopefully we won't drive each other too crazy.

School is going well, I'm almost halfway through the semester. I got the OK this week to teach next fall for credit. So I will be the instructor for the Gero 205 class, which I am very excited about. I will probably have around 70 students. It will be a good challenge for me.

I have a book recommendation for everyone. It's called "Bodies and Souls: The Century Project" written by Frank Cordelle. It is a collection of photos of nude women from birth to age 100. We looked at it my Sociology of Aging class and it has had quite an effect on me. Each photo is accompanied by an explanation or poem written by the subject. The main idea of the book is to convey women and body image throughout the lifespan. I have cried a number of times while looking at it. I think some of you out there would appreciate it. You can see a sample of the photos at