Friday, November 27, 2009

Back to Normal

My mom went home today. Bernie's parents left on Wednesday. Having guests is one of my favorite things in the world, but I always have a couple of nice peaceful days after they leave. The trip was like they are normally are...lots of eating, shopping, etc. We did make it to a UND game down in Denver baby-free. It was a good time. Oh! And I got a really cute pair of knee high brown leather boots, a first for me. It took me years to find a pair I actually like. So that was my birthday money purchase.

Bennett had his one year appointment last week. It's hard to fathom that an entire year has gone by since his dramatic entrance into our world. He is doing really well. 21lbs. 7oz. and 29 inches. Most babies triple (or so) their weight the first year. Bennett is more like 6 1/2 times his! His growth has been amazing. He has started to pull himself up now and does so at every opportunity. He also loves to jibber jabber (da da at this point). I just can't believe how lucky we have when will I stop waiting for the other shoe to drop? Maybe it's just a mom thing.

His birthday party was fun, but certainly overwhelming for him. We wanted to have it when both the grandparents were here, so a weekday was the only choice. Then an evening was necessary so everyone could make it. We didn't start until 5:30 which was late for him, but he held it together. He got tons of toys and they are now overflowing the living room. I'm that person. The one I never wanted to be. My child's toys are overtaking my life.

I have a guilty pleasure that I have to admit. I am totally back into Days of Our Lives. I used to watch this show with my Grandma all the time. I continued through college and then gave it up, save for the occasional relapse. Well, it's a full relapse this time. I even record it everyday. So there, my secret is out. I don't know when I will get back on the wagon.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I am still on the fence about the 10K this weekend. When I ran last Saturday, my knees were a little sore. It almost felt like overuse. So I have been trying to take it easy on them and only running a little bit every other day. I should probably decide soon since the race is in two days. I will be pissed if I spent all of that time training for nothing, but I am happy that I can actually run more than 5 miles. That's a big jump from the 3 I maxed out on before.

Speaking of running, congrats (a little late) to my husband. Bernie trained seriously over the past few months for a half-marathon (13.1 miles). He ran it last Saturday and reached his goal of under two hours! Very impressive. I cried when he was crossing the finish line.

I called Bennett's physical therapist yesterday because I am getting a bit worried about his physical development. He has been army crawling for two months now and is still very resistive to hands-and-knees exercises. I don't know if I have said this before here, but being the parent of a preemie can be difficult in this department. I don't want to create a problem that isn't there, but I also don't want to miss something important that needs intervention. Anyway, she is going to come today to see how things are going. Hopefully, I am just overreacting.

I think some of what is feeding into my worries is my increased participation in the mom group thing. We have been going to playdates etc more frequently, and even hosted one at my house this week. Bennett just doesn't seem to be at the same or similar level as babies his adjusted age. We even met a 30 weeker who was walking at 13 months adjusted. That step still seems so far away for Bennett. I need to keep repeating to myself that these things happen in their own time and 13 months adjusted is still three months away.

Only one of the four teeth that Bennett is getting has come through. His mood has been better the past couple of days. Maybe he is just getting used to the feeling of it.

Bernie's parents are due Wednesday for a week-long stay in celebration of Bennett's 1st birthday. I can't believe it's that time already. When it's all happening it seems like it is taking forever, but when it actually gets here, it really went by fast. We are planning a low-key birthday party for him. We are also going to a UND/DU hockey game while they are here and my Aunt Jennifer is going to babysit. Other plans are up in the air at this point. My mom in planning to come down the day before Bennett's birthday. She should overlap with Bernie's parents for a couple of days, so we will have a full house.

Elton John and Billy Joel will be here on the 22nd. I didn't even realize it until last Saturday. We say Elton John last year in Vegas, which was great. But the show was really a stage-type show with the same set-list and routine every night. I wanted to see him in a real concert type setting. I'm not a huge Billy Joel fan, but I wouldn't mind seeing him either. I don't know. Tickets are kind of expensive...I'm just not a very good decision-maker lately.