Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Well there's that goal down the drain

The update twice a month goal. I will try harder next month. It seems like we've been really busy, although I can't remember specific things we have done. I think I will try a list approach this time.


1) He has been getting speech therapy every week for about a month now. The therapist is really in his face and it is taking him some time to get used to it. She will do things like take his blanket and say "mine" and then wait for 10 seconds hoping he will also say it. That was one of those things I was trying to avoid, but he has such an emotional reaction to it, that the approach might be a good one. I heard him use the "m" this week when she did it. It's frustrating to keep going without much noticeable improvement. We just need to remind ourselves that it is a long-term goal.

2) Feeding therapy/OT will begin this week.

3) Bennett is such a love bug lately. He still loves to snuggle, hug, and read books.

4) We watched my aunt and uncle's guinea pig this week. Bugsey was a hit with Bennett. He spent a lot of time watching and wanting to feed her.

5) He has been loving long showers just like his mom. He would sit in there until the water got cold if we let him.

6) Still obsessed with the laundry and anything that moves in a circle. The new loves of his life are power lines. We search for them every day when we are in the car.


1) Rolls easily both directions off of her tummy. Can roll onto her right side, and almost to her tummy.

2) She grabs absolutely everything. I forgot how razor sharp those little baby nails can be!

3) She seems very interested in eating. I let her mouth my banana or apple some days, but still hope to hold out on the solids for a few more weeks. She was five months old yesterday.

4) Sleep continues to be difficult. She is now out of the pack and play and into the crib about 50% of the time. The other 50% of the time she is in bed with me, so I can you know, get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. Naps last 20-30 minutes. I knew she was going to be a challenge because Bennett was always a pretty good sleeper. Karma just works that way it seems. Maybe that will work out into Vivian being a better eater? I will hope.

5) Her personality is shining through. Vivian smiles easy but laughter is a real challenge. In fact, I have yet to hear that first belly laugh. She is a bit of a drama queen and is not afraid to let me know when she doesn't like something.

General Life Stuff

1) Melanie's quick visit was a good time. We did a little shopping, eating, and zoo-going. It was nice to spend longer than an hour our two with them for once.

2) Bernie's parents will be back through in April. My mother plans to come out again as well.

3) I bought our onions already! The garden should be up and running in the next 5-6 weeks.

4) The run is progressing (we have raised $3900 as of tonight), although I have run out of steam for the moment. I need to regain some motivation...we only have one cash sponsor and I am really hoping to get at least a few more. I have a co-coordinator now and she is fund-raising crazy so that helps. I am super pissed that my MFM group didn't sponsor. They deal with PE every day and couldn't be bothered to even send $50. Never mind how much money they made off of Bennett's birth and Vivian's pregnancy.

5) The mini-van is coming. I will probably be driving it the first or second week in April. No making fun.

6) It's spring!