Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Month!

I know, I'm a total slacker. My energy levels have been low lately and updating this blog unfortunately falls off the list.

Bennett and I spend the last week in Great Falls which was not the most enjoyable trip I have ever taken. My mother was of course crazy busy and rarely around. I guess I should have expected that since my Grandmother is out of town. Bernie was in Boise and I left the structure Bennett is used to at our house. He would not sleep in the pack and play that Mel nicely let us borrow and so he slept with me the entire time. It was nice cuddling with him, but I'm not used to such inturrupted sleep. He was all over the place kicking me in the head on the hour it seemed. Now we're having a hard time getting him back in the crib at home. Lesson learned.

We did have some fun, lest the world think I do nothing but complain. I got to spend time with Amy, Melanie, Gwendolyn, Heather, and Marlena. Gwendolyn is such a cute and happy baby. She smiled every time I looked at her. Bennett has too many choices in the world. I also got to eat all of the food I miss in Great Falls.

Heather is going to stop by and spend a night or two with us on her way down to Texas. We will definitely make a stop at the New Belgium Brewery in Ft. Collins for some fresh Fat Tire.

My dad's talking about moving into Park Manor before the end of the year as he doesn't think he can do another winter alone in the house. I hope he is serious about the move because it is becoming a need. He had to put his dog down recently because he couldn't take care of him anymore (and he was very old). So now he is really alone in the house. I plan to take him for a tour in June when we are there. And maybe get an application filled out...but that might be a bit optimistic.

We are all sick around here at the moment with a head cold. Let's hope to have those cleared up soon. It was 80 degrees already today and I hate to miss a nice day because I don't feel well.