Sunday, February 14, 2010


Myles was the first preemie I "met" after we brought Bennett home. For the first month or so after he was born, I couldn't face any information about PE or preemies. It was so hard. But then I found Myles and his family and I started to realize how lucky we had been. Myles was born at 26 weeks due to preeclampsia. He lived for over three weeks. His parents faced many reproductive challenges including IVF and multiple misscarriages. They finally decided to pursue surrogacy and recently became parents to two beautiful twin boys, Liam and Silas. They were also preemies, born at about 34 weeks I believe. They are doing well and got to come home on Friday. Now Myles has two little brothers to watch over.

His story is included in a video on the sidebar. Make sure you have some tissues handy.

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