Thursday, February 11, 2010


There are a number of blogs that I am following right now that feature brave families who have lost a baby after a premature birth. That all of these families lost their babies as a result of preeclampsia just shows my biased point of view. Premature births happen for many reasons and often the reason cannot be pinned down. A woman goes into labor early, it can't be stopped, and a preemie is born.

Ashley and her husband Chris had their son Nolan very early, 26 weeks I believe (forgive me Ashley, if I am wrong) due to preeclampsia. He fought a brave battle, but ultimately lost. If you have the time, check out his video on her sidebar and meet little Nolan.


Ashley D said...

Awww, this is what I needed today. Thank you so very much for sharing my son with your part of the world in blog land. Thank you.

The Red Fantastic said...

Very touching story. I cannot believe how strong these people are.