Sunday, August 30, 2009

It's been a rough weekend!

Bennett has been progressively cranky over the past week or so. At first I'm sure it was due to the two(!) teeth he cut at the same time. Then he started to get very fussy about two or three days ago. I thought it might have something to do with the yogurt I started with him, so I cut it out. No improvement ensued. Friday he was running a low fever of under 100. By Saturday it was over 101. He was very tired and didn't want to play. We decided to take him to the doctor yesterday. Our pediatrician was not there so he saw someone new. She cleaned out his ears, and sure enough he has an ear infection in his right ear. She said it was caught early. We got the antibiotics started and he does seem to be feeling better although he is still sleeping a lot. He took a 3+ hour nap yesterday which is unheard of. I actually had to wake him.

During this teething/ear infection attack, I was giving him some Tylenol to help with the pain. Apparently I had the dosing all wrong. He was only getting a third of the correct dosage for his weight. No wonder it wasn't doing anything for him...poor baby.

The new car seat is here and overall I am pleased. It takes up significantly less room than other car seats like it and even seems to be less wide than the bucket seat. Trips to GF and ND should me much more comfortable. My mom should fit better back there now as well. She insists on riding in the back with Bennett, even when the front seat is available.

Bernie and Craig got out early this morning to do some fishing. Hopefully they have some luck. I would rather not have fish nastiness in the freezer, but I will concede since Bernie likes it so much.

We finally got regular doctor in this house. Bernie and I both have our appointments this week. Hopefully we are given a clean bill of health.

And yes, Oasis has split up. I have a bad feeling about it this time...everything seems so final. This is definitely the end of an era. I do have sad feelings about it, but I am also oddly excited by it all. I know there will continue to be music from Noel and probably Liam as well. It will be interesting to see what direction they take and what develops. How awesome would it be to see a Noel solo gig? Acoustic preferably. What? No one but Sara cares? Oh well, we will continue to commiserate together.

And lastly. To top off the weeked, Eula passed away yesterday. Although it was expected, I don't think we can ever be prepared. I've watched a lot of people I care about die at the nursing home, but the experience never loses it's emotional impact. Eula was one of the first friends I made in Colorado. I will think of her every time I see an elk or drive to Estes Park.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

9 month visit

No shots this time. Bennett did have to have his toe pricked for a blood test but he was a total trooper. He hardly even whined. He also had to give a urine sample (which I had never heard of). They gave me this sticky little bag that I put on under his diaper. It didn't work very well but they said it was enough. The blood test results were normal and I haven't heard anything about the UA. He weighed 18lbs 8oz and was 27 1/4 inches. He is staying on his growth curve nicely. The MD did say that we could start dairy, meat, and bread products at any time. We have only been doing cereal, fruit, and veggies since May. Yesterday, I gave him some yogurt which he seemed to enjoy. I hadn't started anything else because I wasn't sure if I should be treating him as a 7 or 9 month old when it came to food. The MD felt like 9 months was more appropriate and that we would plan on getting off of the formula in November rather than January. Developmentally, Bennett is somewhere between 7 and 8 months.

I forgot to mention in my last post that we ordered Bennett's next car seat. I thought he was going to be closer to the 22lb limit than he is, but he will probably be more comfortable switching soon anyway. I spent quite a bit of time weighing the options. The bigger ones are nice because they go up to 65 lbs, but god they take up a lot of space in the back of the Prius. I decided to go with the Combi Coccoro in chestnut brown:

It is significantly smaller and will be a much better fit in our small car. It only goes up to 40 lbs, but at Bennett's growth rate he'll be 3 1/2 before he grows out of it. A person might even be comfortable sitting on the side with the seat in the middle, what a concept!

I ruined Bennett's activity mat last night. I put it in the dryer and it melted in a couple of spots. I swear I have dried it before...whatever. It's basically toast now.

My mom will be here in about a week. I asked her what she wanted to do and she said "nothing." She just wants to relax. Fine by me.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Fall is in the air

sort of. The past week have seen some cooler days and even cooler nights. It's nice not to be overheated and sweating while I'm trying to sleep. I guess it's going to be 90+ degrees this weekend so the respite is short. But fall is in my future and I am quite excited by it. It's a beautiful season in Colorado, mild days with no or hardly any wind (you hear that Great Falls?). We need to get up to Rocky Mountain National Park at the right time to see the changing aspens and herds of elk.

Speaking of the elk in the park, I don't know if I ever mentioned the lady that I have been volunteering with for the past year and a half. I arranged it originally for school, but have kept seeing her beyond. We used to go up to Estes Park every week and elk search. She absolutely loved the elk. It was the highlight of her week. When we started, she was still living on her own, but by last summer she had to move into the nursing home. Our trips became less frequent. When Bennett was born, my visits with her became strictly at the nursing home. She has continued to decline and is now on hospice. When Bennett and I visited today she looked rough. I don't think she will last much longer. She was a neat lady and I will miss seeing her. Her outlook on life was a bit crazy at times, but definitely shaped by her life experiences. She seemed comfortable and had family at her side...I'm not sure if one can ask for much more at end-of-life. She is 89. Goodbye to Eula if I don't see you again!

On to less depressing topics. We finally had most of the trees removed from our backyard last week. Someone had planted a huge number of trees all along the fence line about 20 years ago. Then they trimmed them like crazy and they grew straight up and very very skinny. In fact, some of the branches hung precariously into the backyard and threatened to knock me on the head when I was out there. There were 14 to start with I think and we have 5 left. It looks very bare right now but Bernie assures me that they will fill out.

Here's a grown-up bit of news. We got life insurance started for myself and Bennett this week. Bernie already has some. I just got done with the exam. The nurse came to the house, took my BP (104/70 and 102/72.....AWESOME!), made me pee in a cup, and took some blood. Hopefully everything comes back well and I get the super good rating.

I finally made it up to three miles jogging on the treadmill recently. Getting back into running has been tough, but it is starting to feel good now that I can see some improvement in my endurance. Stroller Strides classes (don't laugh, they are a serious workout that I can feel for days sometimes) are helping as well. My weight has definitely bounced back up since I quit pumping, so I need all the exercise I can get. I'm considering (only considering at this point) a 10K in November. I have never ran that far...4 miles is my previous max.

Bennett has been a crabby man for the past few days. It looks like we will see some teeth soon! His 9 month appointment is Monday so I will update with his latest stats then.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


That is the only way I can describe the dinner I just had. And it had nothing to do with the food, although it was also very good. I met up with Bernie and four of his/our friends at a local restaurant, on the patio. Side note: Bernie is in a workshop this week which has translated into him being away from home for 14+ hours every day. I'm ready for that to be over. Anyway...I got there first while waiting for everyone else to get where they needed to be. Bennett was crabby all the way over, so I was counting on the worst. Instead, he barely made a peep for over an hour and just sat in the highchair playing with his toys. I got to enjoy my entire meal without even having to hold or entertain him at all. This is unheard of. He doesn't usually throw fits in a restaurant but he wants to be held and get into everything. I guess he know mommy needed a little adult time.

Right not I am enjoying a glass of wine and chocolates. And not just any chocolates. I bought these at a winery in Oregon and they are meant to pair with red wine. They are all very dark 75% cacao on up and are awesome with the wine. Now I'm just waiting to see if Bernie brings back anyone to enjoy them with me.

I've been trying my hand at a little baby food making with some success. I have carrots and peaches frozen in ice trays in the freezer as well as some bananas and avocados. I also turned some of the monster squash into baby food, although it doesn't have quite enough taste for Bennett. I just mix it with something else like sweet potatoes and he eats it just fine.

To use all of the alien squash...

one large squash casserole (9x13 pan)
two dozen squash muffins

and those stupid plants produce at least 1-2 more every day (not that size of course). OK, I'll shut up about the squash plants. Ready right now we also have cucumbers, tomatoes, green peppers, and a SHIT TON of lettuce. And I mean shit 10 huge heads of lettuce. Salad time for this family!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Preparing for a long week after a long week

We returned from our trip to Great Falls on Tuesday. I don't know why, but I find vacations somewhat exhausting. I get extra sleep and help with Bennett from my mom. When I finally get home it seems a few days of recovery are needed. I am almost back to feeling like myself. Except my boobs are very lumpy and painful right now...I know TMI, but too bad for you. I stopped pumping over 10 days ago and felt fine until this past Sunday. Now I am in significant discomfort. Running or fast walking is out of the question. I think what I am experiencing now is normal, but I am taking my temp everyday to make sure I avoid an infection.

No pump in my life has been liberating and a bit sad at the same time. I knew there would be feelings of both. It was great to go to the wedding and be able to drink freely and not leave to pump in the middle of the reception. On the other hand, it assuaged my guilt of nursing failure to at least give Bennett some breast milk. Still dealing with it slowly and trying to be kind to myself. I guess I knew that parenting would be a somewhat guilt-ridden process (nursing isn't the only issue one can feel guilty about), but didn't realize the magnitude of the emotions it creates in everyday life. Wow. Too much psych talk for this blog, sorry about that.

Our trip was enjoyable. My mom was very helpful with Bennett, including getting up with him in the mornings. The extra sleep was wonderful. We ate out at our/my favorite places and got to see most everyone.

This is my public apology to Heather. Let me preface with a story about Heather and I (and I think Sara was there also?) about 10 years ago. We were backing out of my driveway and I backed into a HUGE RED TRUCK that was squarely behind me. Like it was right there and obvious. Fast forward to last week. I was in the Prius with Melanie, Heather, and Bennett (and Gwendolyn of course). We were backing out of my mom's driveway and I backed right into Heather's car!!! AHHH!!! I left a dent in her bumper. To make the story even better, I have a backup camera for such situations. Very useful. I am sorry for that and let me know the cost if you ever get it fixed.

My dad has finally decided on his own accord to quit driving this month. Well, the decision came with the help of a new law that requires each person on the car registration to provide a valid driver's license. His expired last October and he was unable to pass the vision test. Now the registration is up this month. He is in pretty rough shape as far as his vision and reflexes are concerned. And he finally admits that he worries about hurting someone else. I'm hoping my aunt and uncle will be able to share the responsibility of taking him out to shop once per week. I know that is a lot to ask of a sibling with a family. Apparently Great Harvest Bread will deliver to him, which is most of what he eats anyway. So shopping shouldn't be a along process. I made him a batch of chile and put it into single serving containers last time I was there since he can't open cans anymore. When I snuck a look into the freezer, over 75% was still there. Almost all the muffins I made were still there as well. What a wasted effort, but not at all surprising.

It seems that Bennett is slowly resolving some of his sleep issues. He is only waking briefly 1-2 times per night at this point, usually very close to the morning. I'll take it! His rolling is stalled right now at only rolling off of his tummy on the left side (along with rolling onto his tummy from both directions whenever the chance is presented). However, he is starting to put his but in the air and try to propel himself. He can also turn his entire body on his stomach to see things on either side of him. I don't think crawling is crazy far off. I am hoping by his first birthday, that will keep him on track developmentally.

He enjoyed his trips to the pools in Great Falls. The drive was more difficult that the trip in April/May when he slept more, but still very manageable. He needed more frequent entertainment and has some minor meltdowns. Still, I thought he did really well for spending 12 hours in a car seat.

Oh, one more thing. We came hope to the biggest summer squash I have ever seen. I can't believe I forgot to take a picture of it before I cut it up. Normally they are about 6-8 inches long and 2-3 inches thick. This one was at least 18 inches long and 8 inches thick. It was a monsterous alien life-form. I made an entire squash casserole out of it (recipe called for 6 squash) and still have half left. That's some good cow poo dirt Bernie got back there.