Thursday, July 29, 2010

They're coming!

The people, they are coming. And I am getting very excited. The Fagg ladies will be here on Tuesday to start the madness. We don't have any big plans except a baseball game. I'm sure we will eat and gab like we normally do.

August is going to be a busy month all around. It makes me happy because the time will pass by quickly. I really really want to get through August without any pregnancy-related drama. September 3rd will be the same point this time around that I delivered Bennett last time. That's the medium-term goal at the moment. My short-term goal is 28 weeks and at least 2 lbs. Stats for survival and disability start to improve drastically at that point. We have another growth scan on Tuesday. Think fat baby and normal-sized head thoughts for us!

I am having the same back pain as I did with Bennett. Not the HELLP pain, but the pain around my left bra strap. It makes me so crazy some days. My doctor thinks it is a pinched nerve and I tend to agree because in actually radiates numbness all around to my ribcage sometimes. I have invested in a body pillow which helps at night. A little bit of pre-natal yoga helps me relax a bit as well. And my mood is so variable from moment to moment. I feel terrible for Bernie some days because I can be a real drag. Ok, that's enough pregnancy complaining for one day. Unless Bernie wants to chime with some complaints of his own of course.

Bennett started his swimming lessons this week. We go twice for a half an hour each time. They are really affordable lessons offered by the city. He's obviously not old enough for extremely structured teaching, but they are fun. Bernie has been able to come the past two times so it's a family effort. We mostly sing and play which is perfect for a 20 month old.

I can't think of anything else very exciting. I will update Tuesday after our growth scan.

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