Monday, October 26, 2009


It seems that Bennett will be cutting four teeth in the near future. The four center top ones are pretty obviously coming in and his mood has adjusted accordingly. He and Bernie had the cold my mother gave them which caused an unhappy baby for a few days. Happiness ensued for two or three days and now we are back to crabby. I feel bad for the little man, it can't feel great to have four sharp objects cutting your gums.

Bennett's sleeping was finally on a schedule (a wonderful one at that) for about two weeks. He fell asleep between 7 and 7:30 and slept through until between 6 and 7. At 10 am was a 1 1/2 hour nap and another of the same length at 3pm. Not so much now with the teeth, but hopefully we can work back into it.

He continues to army crawl. We do exercises the physical therapist gave us daily to encourage the hands and knees technique to no avail. Hopefully he is getting close. It seems like just when I get really worried that he is not going to meet some milestone, he decides that it is time. He is getting more interested in trying to pull up on things (mostly us) and loves to stand at the coffee table or any other ledge he can find.

I got the same cold as the boys sometime last week. Overall it was fairly mild and was gone in about 4 days. It cut into my running again (can't seem to catch a break), but I'm back at it again. I ran a new long yesterday at 4.3 miles, but now a tendon or muscle in my upper thigh feels overused. Hopefully it won't be another snag in my plans. Bernie has his 1/2 marathon in less than two weeks...thinking good thoughts for him reaching his goal. I can't remember what it is at the moment, but 9 minute miles sounds right.

My aunt Jennifer came up the night before my birthday and watched Bennett while we went out. I have a teenage babysitter down the street who is fine for short periods of time, but I worry about her general common sense. I think I would worry about this with any teenager just because I remember being one. The good thing about it is that her mother is just down the street. But I didn't feel right leaving Bennett with her for 6 hours. Having Jennifer here was much more reassuring. Bernie and I went downtown and did some shopping and had dinner at a nice restaurant. I had a very yummy steak. I haven't been into steak nearly as much as I used to be since getting pregnant with Bennett, it just doesn't usually appeal to me. But this one was extra good.

My mother-in-law sent my an Eddie Bauer down vest I have been eying, my mom sent me a gold bracelet, my sister-in-law sent a gift card to Red Robin, and Bernie took me to pick out a simple diamond band for my right hand. All in all, a successful and happy 27th birthday.

I can't believe Bennett is already 11 months old. I can't wait to make him his own cake to make a mess with next month. My mom and Bernie's parents will all be here for the big event. We are looking forward to having guests rather than traveling.

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