Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

We hope everyone is having a fun day. Bennett was a turtle (I think the one from Finding Nemo), a costume that his Grandma Jackie bought him. He was pretty cute in it, but wasn't too impressed with the whole situation. I was so excited to take him to the door for the trick or treater's. Usually he is incredibly social. He loves to get people's attention at the store and smile/flirt with them. Not tonight. He cried real tears every time I opened the door for someone. I don't know if he didn't like the costumes or what. So I let him watch Yo Gabba Gabba while I answered the door. It seems that he might be developing some fears.

He is still trying to cut those four top teeth. We all wish it would just happen already. I can see all four white spots. His mood alternates between happy and pissed off throughout the day, but the Tylenol really seems to help.

I cannot think of anything else right now...sorry for the short post. Halloween pics are on Flickr.

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