Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

We hope everyone is having a fun day. Bennett was a turtle (I think the one from Finding Nemo), a costume that his Grandma Jackie bought him. He was pretty cute in it, but wasn't too impressed with the whole situation. I was so excited to take him to the door for the trick or treater's. Usually he is incredibly social. He loves to get people's attention at the store and smile/flirt with them. Not tonight. He cried real tears every time I opened the door for someone. I don't know if he didn't like the costumes or what. So I let him watch Yo Gabba Gabba while I answered the door. It seems that he might be developing some fears.

He is still trying to cut those four top teeth. We all wish it would just happen already. I can see all four white spots. His mood alternates between happy and pissed off throughout the day, but the Tylenol really seems to help.

I cannot think of anything else right now...sorry for the short post. Halloween pics are on Flickr.

Monday, October 26, 2009


It seems that Bennett will be cutting four teeth in the near future. The four center top ones are pretty obviously coming in and his mood has adjusted accordingly. He and Bernie had the cold my mother gave them which caused an unhappy baby for a few days. Happiness ensued for two or three days and now we are back to crabby. I feel bad for the little man, it can't feel great to have four sharp objects cutting your gums.

Bennett's sleeping was finally on a schedule (a wonderful one at that) for about two weeks. He fell asleep between 7 and 7:30 and slept through until between 6 and 7. At 10 am was a 1 1/2 hour nap and another of the same length at 3pm. Not so much now with the teeth, but hopefully we can work back into it.

He continues to army crawl. We do exercises the physical therapist gave us daily to encourage the hands and knees technique to no avail. Hopefully he is getting close. It seems like just when I get really worried that he is not going to meet some milestone, he decides that it is time. He is getting more interested in trying to pull up on things (mostly us) and loves to stand at the coffee table or any other ledge he can find.

I got the same cold as the boys sometime last week. Overall it was fairly mild and was gone in about 4 days. It cut into my running again (can't seem to catch a break), but I'm back at it again. I ran a new long yesterday at 4.3 miles, but now a tendon or muscle in my upper thigh feels overused. Hopefully it won't be another snag in my plans. Bernie has his 1/2 marathon in less than two weeks...thinking good thoughts for him reaching his goal. I can't remember what it is at the moment, but 9 minute miles sounds right.

My aunt Jennifer came up the night before my birthday and watched Bennett while we went out. I have a teenage babysitter down the street who is fine for short periods of time, but I worry about her general common sense. I think I would worry about this with any teenager just because I remember being one. The good thing about it is that her mother is just down the street. But I didn't feel right leaving Bennett with her for 6 hours. Having Jennifer here was much more reassuring. Bernie and I went downtown and did some shopping and had dinner at a nice restaurant. I had a very yummy steak. I haven't been into steak nearly as much as I used to be since getting pregnant with Bennett, it just doesn't usually appeal to me. But this one was extra good.

My mother-in-law sent my an Eddie Bauer down vest I have been eying, my mom sent me a gold bracelet, my sister-in-law sent a gift card to Red Robin, and Bernie took me to pick out a simple diamond band for my right hand. All in all, a successful and happy 27th birthday.

I can't believe Bennett is already 11 months old. I can't wait to make him his own cake to make a mess with next month. My mom and Bernie's parents will all be here for the big event. We are looking forward to having guests rather than traveling.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Our trip to Great Falls ended on Monday and I am happy to be home without any more immediate travel plans. This year has been exhausting. Bennett was great both on the trip up and back. As long as someone was sitting in the back seat with him, life was pretty good. No major travel meltdowns to report. But 12 hours is a long time for anyone to sit in a car. He was ready to be done with that whole scene.

Amy's wedding turned out beautifully. She looked like a princess in her fluffy pink dress. The ceremony was very short (and those of you at my wedding know ours was short). It was probably the shortest I have ever seen. I think it took all of 2 minutes. The reception was a proper Fagg family dancing fest, although it ended earlier than I expected.

The wedding shower was also a lot of fun. I worked pretty hard on it and thought I could do it all myself. My mom was working so there wasn't much help there. She made the desserts (cheesecake, dark chocolate brownies, and peanut butter cookies) which took some of the stress off. I did pretty well, but the food plans were too ambitious. There were about 20-25 people. The menu consisted of a variety of crostini (topped with artichoke/parmesan, cream cheese/green onion/bacon, gorgonzola/walnuts/honey, prosciutto/mozzarella, olive/eggplant and an Italian tomato mixture) as well as chicken skewers with thai peanut sauce. I thought it all turned out very yummy. But I did have to call in Fagg family reinforcements to help it all come together. So a big thanks to all of them. I think the crostini are better suited for an 8 person dinner party.

Poor Bernie didn't get to do much for fun in Great Falls with all of the wedding hoopla. He and Bennett hung out together most of the time, which wasn't the most fun because he got bored at my mom's house pretty easily. Hopefully he can make up for it with a fishing trip in the near future.

I got to see Melanie, Kyle, and Gwendolyn almost every day I was there. I wanted to spend more extended time with them, but an hour at a time was about all I could manage. Little Gwendolyn is a to come soon. We also got to have a nice lunch with Heather on her birthday but somehow missed Marlena and the boys. I guess you can't do it all.

I am working on getting the pictures from the trip/wedding up, hopefully I can make my way through them all today. I gave my mom the camera to take pictures at the wedding and she seems to like to take about 30 pictures of the same scene, so it's a bit of a chore to find the one good one and delete the rest.

My back etc. are feeling 100% again and I have been running for about 10 days. I finally broke 4 miles for the first time yesterday so I still have hope to make it for the 10K in November.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

It's October!

My favorite month of the year, and it has nothing to do with my birthday. OK...maybe a little bit. But fall is really my favorite season. We returned to Colorado on Tuesday to see that the leaves are starting to change. I'm not sure what it is, but there is a certain kind of light to fall that makes me happy.

The first important issue I must address is the birth of Gwendolyn Michelle. I am so happy and excited for Melanie and Kyle that I tear up when I think about it. On top of that, she is really beautiful. Can't wait to meet her next week. Welcome baby girl!

Our trip to North Dakota last weekend was a whirlwind. We got there Friday night and left Tuesday afternoon. Joey's wedding/reception was fun even though we had to leave early for Bennett's bedtime. Such is the life of a parent. He had a rough couple of nights there due to waking in the middle of the night to eat (normal for him right now). Usually he goes right back to sleep, but the surroundings were unfamiliar and so he was up for 2+ hours. Yuck. I of course question whether he really needs to eat or has just gotten into the habit. Last night he woke but did not have to eat, so maybe I just need to be a little more patient with getting him back to sleep.

It was really great to have Bernie's whole family in town at the same time. That hasn't happened since we got married in 2006. Especially fun was watching the three kids interact. Bennett still isn't mobile enough to keep up, but he was more interested than when he saw them in June. I think that he and Grant will be a pair of troublemakers when we visit Phoenix in January. I feel like he may be walking by then.

Speaking of mobility, Bennett is getting better and better at scooting himself around. He will always move for the right motivation (food, wedding ring, or glasses), and now he is even self-motivating a bit. I leave the room for a moment and come back to find him in a different spot reaching for a toy. All very exciting. I better get on the baby-proofing. I will try to get a new video to post soon.

Yesterday I had jury duty. I was thisclose to being chosen to sit on the trial of a guy accused of criminal mischief and indecent exposure. Right at the end I was cut. I still had to spend almost 4 hours there. Oh well...better than all day.

I have had decent digital cameras for some time now (6 years or so) and have not ever known how to properly use them. There are soooo many different buttons and settings and it seems the manual is never much help. The city offers a "getting to know your digital camera class" that I have been trying to take for the past year. The times it is offered never seem to work with Bernie's schedule. I finally got signed up for the one last night. It was still an overwhelming amount of information, but I feel like I have a better grasp on how to change the settings for the environment and the type of photo I want. We will see. There is a put it into practice session on Saturday morning.

I am becoming a bit depressed about the whole running and 10K situation. My hip is a lot better, but it is still mildly annoying. It's been two weeks now and I need to get on it if I have any hope of being ready. I think I am going to go for it tomorrow and hope it will feel better with some moderate jogging.

On to Great Falls on Monday. I am really excited for Amy's wedding next weekend. I am throwing her shower and am in the midst of planning the food, games, and decor. Any of you that have been to an event at my mom's house knows that we always go a bit overboard.

Lastly, there is a huge photo dump on Flickr. New pics/videos are on two pages.