Tuesday, January 6, 2009

We're all still alive...

and well even. We have kept Bennett healthy and we haven't killed each other yet. We are a bit lazy however. There are many things we could be getting done while we are both a home for such a long stretch, but we spend a lot of time watching stupid TV.

Bernie is in a football pool for all of the bowl games and may actually tie for first out of 125 people. When the bowl games are over on Thursday, he may get a bit bored.

I have my six week follow-up appointment tomorrow. I plan to talk to my midwife about seeing a specialist about the HELLP Syndrome. My doctor felt that my chances for it were not any higher in a second pregnancy. However, my own research says that the recurrence rate is 5-7%, which may not seem high, but it does when you consider the overall rate is .5-.7%. On top of that, the chances of other complications (regular pre-eclampsia, IUGR, etc.) may be about 40%. There may be some blood tests they can run to assess my risk, but I'm not sure. I just want to know as much as I can.

Bennett gets his first bath at home tomorrow. We have had to wait while his circumcision heals, so he is definitely ready. I'm not sure he'll enjoy it as much as in the hospital since we don't have the fancy heat lamp.

I went by the rec center and ice rink yesterday (where I worked very little before I had Bennett) and picked up a few shifts over the next few weeks. I think it will be good to get out and talk to other people in the real world. Plus, the free gym membership is worth it.

1 comment:

The Red Fantastic said...

That's good that you are getting out! I hope you get good news about your odds for #2 if it is meant to be :)