Saturday, January 24, 2009

Baby info overload

I am about to bore your with a few paragraphs about everything Bennett-related in our lives lately which pretty much amounts to everything.

Today is his due date! I should have been huge, lumbering, and complaining up a storm at this point. He is also two months old today. I know this sounds ridiculous, but ever since I had him I have felt a bit robbed. I have been sad that I did not get to finish the pregnancy through to it's natural end. These thoughts do not consume me on a daily basis but they have been lingering. I am thankful that Bennett is healthy and growing (more on that later). I hope now that the due date is passing, I can stop thinking about it.

On Tuesday, we noticed that when he tries to cry at a high pitch his voice is hoarse. It was very strange so we called the MD on Wednesday. He was not worried and told us to bring Bennett in on Friday for a weight check and to make sure he is doing well. His voice seems a little better, but it is still hoarse. The MD did not think it was anything serious and wants to just watch him. He does not have a cough, runny nose, or fever. Maybe it's a case of baby laryngitis? Who knows. He does weigh 7 lbs 12 oz though which is a nice healthy birth weight. He gained 21 ounces in 10 days which is quite a bit considering an ounce a day is normal. He does eat a lot though...usually 4 ounces every 3 hours. This weight gain came on breast milk only. The MD says there must be something good in it!

Speaking of breast milk, we are officially trying to switch to breast feeding. Today I have not given him a bottle since 8am. It has been somewhat difficult thus far because I don't think he takes as much as when he eats out of a bottle. Then he doesn't sleep as long. We'll see how it goes, but I think he may eat every 2 instead of 3 hours. Is no pumping worth it? I don't know yet. Monday I plan to take him to the lactation consultant and do a feed and weigh to see how much he is taking in.

I got my evaluations from teaching back yesterday. They were very positive which was nice. I thought there may have been more complaints than there were. Overall, the students seemed to enjoy the class and learn something from it.

Oh, I hear some squawking...time for round four!

1 comment:

Sara Habein said...

Not boring at all! Love hearing about the wee one. Nearly 8 lbs already! That's great!