Monday, October 17, 2011

Our step into modernity, Vivian's Bday party, etc.

Bernie and I have finally gotten smart-phones-two iphones to be exact. He got the 4 and I got the 4s. We have been thinking about it for a long time and our contract has been up for over a year. So we decided to go for it and signed up with Verizon. This is the first time we even have a text plan. We have been having fun getting familiar with all of the phone features and playing a little bit of Angry Birds. The Siri voice feature on my phone is especially fun. I swore at it earlier today and it said "watch your language!' Ha! And seriously, I don't know if I will ever need another camera. It's such a convenient way to take photos. We are really going to get teched up on Friday when I go pick out my ipad birthday present. I think that will be nice to have on our two upcoming plane trips with the kiddos.

We had Vivian's first birthday party over the weekend. It was a co-party with her friend Audrey who also turned one. It was a fall costume themed party. Vivian was a cupcake and Bennett was a pirate (Aside: I got Bennett a really cute Mickey Mouse costume at a garage sale. I have been slowly introducing him to it for a month, but there is no way he is dealing with that shit. I had to emergency order him a set of pirate jammies from Old Navy. They're cute too, but I thought this was the year for a real costume). I made an owl cake with pyrex bowls, which was my first foray into making a non-regular cake. I will have to post pics of it later. It only stood up for about an hour before toppling over, but everyone at least got a chance to see it. Vivian got scared by some noise and didn't really get into her smash cake moment. But it was otherwise a good time.

Bennett and Bernie have been sporting cold symptoms since Saturday. Last night, Bennett got really weird with his breathing. It was fast and labored. He seemed agitated and was coughing constantly. The breathing thing was really freaking me out so I made Bernie take him to the ER and midnight. His oxygen was a bit low. The chest x-rays revealed a small spot of pneumonia. He is on antibiotics now and we will follow up with the pediatrician tomorrow. I'm glad we ended up taking him.

I have set up times to observe three pre-schools for Bennett. In some ways I feel like we should look at more, but then I feel a bit suffocated by all of the choices. I'm hoping we can find something we really like from the first three and that they will have a spot. Keep your fingers crossed. Now I'm delving into the question of which school district we want to be in. It's all so adult of me!

We are off to Minneapolis next week for a wedding. Bernie's mom and youngest sister will be meeting us there. We are looking forward to long as we get well!

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