Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Kids in Bulletpoints


-finally saying "help" when he needs it. I can't tell you what a breakthrough this is.
-is getting therapy three times per week
-is taking a tumbling (beginning level gymnastics) class that he seems to enjoy. The boy loves his gross motor activities
-gets excited to see his friend Noah
-still loves to cuddle and read books
-is waking more often at night yelling. I don't know if he has started to have nightmares or what.
-loves to ride in the van and look at power lines
-STILL loves to watch the laundry in the washing machine
-enjoys eating green peppers like apples straight out of the garden
-is very into his routines, but doesn't get too mad if they are changed
-is going to be three in two months!
-would eat constantly if allowed
-will be beginning the preschool transition soon. We are meeting with the school district to do their evaluation the first week in October.
-still loves his blanket and thumb
-favorite toys are cars and trains

-pulls up to stand on everything, but has not started cruising yet
-puts all food in her mouth and seems to promptly spit it all back out
-waves to say hello, plays peek-a-boo like a pro, mimics words, talks on the phone, and gave the sign for "all done" tonight at dinner.
-pulls on my hair every chance she gets. It seems to be her comfort object
-gave up the pacifier on her own a couple of months ago (much to my annoyance some days), five months earlier than Bennett gave up his.
-has eaten out of a bottle two times in her life and is doing well with sippy cups
-does not love car rides as much as Bennett
-still wakes up 2-3 times per night. Between her and Bennett, I don't know how I function some days
-has to take two baths every day to help with her eczema (which is so much better).
-is going to be one in one month!
-enjoys following Bennett around and getting into his business whenever possible.

1 comment:

Heather said...

It seem likes you guys have Bennett on the right track!