Thursday, August 19, 2010

We are reaching the end of our stream of guests. I had lots of fun with my cousins and aunts. The baseball game was an especially good time even though I had to refrain from drinking the beer that looked so good. I hope the Fagg ladies can make it back down sometime...three days is not nearly enough to see all there is to see.

Bernie's parents were here for about four days. They drove from North Dakota but didn't feel like they could stay long because big Bernie has a huge vegetable garden he can't leave for long this time of year. We took a little tour of Golden. The boys went to the Coors brewery, Jackie went to a quilt museum she had been wanting to see, and Bennett and I played at the park. We also did our fair share of shopping which is normal for Jackie and I.

The Ritchie's are in the midst of their stay right now. We went to the splash park for a bit yesterday, but the hundred degree heat made our stay short. Today Kristen had a job interview. Phil and I took the kids to huge park in Denver and we ate some Boston Market. The kiddos are having the most fun just playing around in the backyard I think. Bennett is showing a bit more aggression than I am used to seeing in him. He will walk up to Ava and try to pinch or shove her. He also pulls my hair and pinches me when he's mad Hopefully we can solve this before it becomes more of an issue.

Tomorrow Kristen and I are spoiling ourselves with pedicures and massages. We've also got plans for Boulder and Ft. Collins at some point. Busy time!

And lastly, I am trying to get ready for the baby expo next week. I think it is all going to come together soon. I'm very excited about it.

We hit 29 weeks yesterday! I am optimistic about making it to September 3rd which is the same gestation Bennett was born at. Beyond that will just be awesome bonus time in my eyes.

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