Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fat Baby

Vivian now weighs the same as Bennett did when he was delivered at 31 weeks 2 days...3 lbs. 7 oz. I wasn't expecting her to be that big yet, so the news was comforting. Everything measures right on. Our milestone day is Friday. That has been the big goal for me this pregnancy. On Saturday I will officially be more pregnant than I have ever been. My anxiety levels have been falling as we are approaching that day. I'm excited to experience the next 6 weeks (at least).

However, I am feeling the pain. About a week ago I started having low back and hip pain. It shoots down my left side and sometimes leaves my unable to put weight on my left leg or walk. I'm sure I look funny scooting around on my rear end. I'm 99% sure that it is sciatic pain from Vivian's head being firmly entrenched in the bottom left of my uterus, digging into my hip. It was so low that the tech had trouble getting a head measurement. I am hoping she will move sometime very very soon. I am doing PT and might try a support belt. It has also been helping today to gently prod where I know her head is. She seems to float up for a bit before settling back down in my hip. I'm only 31 weeks...they still flip around at this point don't they? It's crazy difficult to keep up with Bennett, normal chores, and all the nesting I want to do with the pain.

My gestational diabetes screen came back borderline. My OB gave me the choice of doing the 3 hour test or not and I of course I did it. I wouldn't have been able to stand thinking it was a possibility. The 3 hour test came back just fine so I don't have to worry about it anymore. The original one was probably a bit high because I eat too much cereal in the morning.

We have been officially guestless for a week now. It's strange. Bennett took a day or two to adjust to not having Ava around. He misses all of her kisses.

My mom might be coming down later in the month. We have a voucher for a free flight after being bumped last spring. I don't think we will get to use it, so I offered it to her. The process is a bit more complex than I had hoped. We actually have to go down to the airport and have the voucher transferred to her name and then send it to her in the mail. And the reservation has to be made 14 days in advance. So I'm not sure how it will all work out because she doesn't want to come too close to when Vivian is due because she is going to be coming right back down. So we will see. It would be nice to have the help with Bennett so hopefully we can figure something out.

Our booth for the Preeclampsia Foundation was successful in some ways and a bit of a failure in others. I made some really great connections to a group of ladies who have dealt with the same trauma I have. We are fired up to get together and plan future events for the PF. On the other hand, it seems that we were duped. I was told that then event would draw 15,000-20,000 attendees. I think 2,000 was pushing it. It was disappointing to say the least that didn't get the word out more. But there will be other events and now we are connected.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Yay for having a big fat baby! :)