Saturday, May 8, 2010

The waiting game

I don't know what it is about this pregnancy, but I am OBSESSED with the gender. I really wanted to know with Bennett, but I don't remember being nearly as impatient as I am this time. We don't find out until June 4th, which still seems years away. I have spent my time over at the In-gender forums learning all about the "nub theory" and how to predict gender from the 12 week ultrasound. It's very interesting if anyone wants in checking it out. I'm trying not to get too invested in their guesses, but it's fun nonetheless. Boy or girl would be fine with us for different reasons. I think we will only have two, so both genders would be good. But I'm sure Bennett would rather have a brother. I just want to know damn it!

Heather is coming this week and had decided to stay two nights. Now we at least get to go out and do something while she is here instead of just eat and sleep. Some shopping on Pearl Street in Boulder might be in order.

I was going to get my veggies and flowers in this coming week, but Bernie predicts snow for us. Boo on that. We went to the Farmer's market and I bought a couple of plants anyway. I have to remember not to eat before we go next weekend so I can stuff myself full of yummy potstickers and other assorted goodies.

No news yet on the job Bernie applied for, but that's no surprise. I would expect we would hear if he has an interview or not this coming week. But this is the government we are talking about so who knows. I think he applied for the job hear in early April and we didn't find out he got it until the end of June.

The March of Dimes went well. Thanks again to everyone who donated! The weather was certainly shitty, but so very worth it.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's I know and love out there. I hope you all have a beautiful day.


Sara Habein said...

For whatever reason, I'll guess that it's a girl.

Annnd now I want potstickers.

Heather said...

I am going to guess a boy but I think I only think that because you already have a boy, so it's easier to picture.
Heck yes, we need to do some shopping! Thank you for letting me stay with you guys! I am looking forwward to it and I am glad I've decided to stay longer.