Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wills and the reason we do them

Bernie and I finally took care of some very important documentation in our lives this evening. We attended a two hour class and in the process completed living wills, medical/financial POA's, and a real live will. So now we can apparently die in peace knowing that our affairs will be in order. It was pretty hypocritical that as an instructor of a gerontology course I harped on my students to get it done and I still hadn't. But it is done now and it feels good.

So, to the reasons we do these things. We have Bennett and things should be in order for him. He needs a guardian and trust. But he won't be the only one. This is a morbid sort of segway into the big announcement that most of you already know. Another baby is on the way, due November 3rd. We were aiming for about two years between them and that's about as close as you could get. It's a very exciting time but nerve-racking at the same time. We are hoping full-term this time. That's the long-term goal anyway. I think 32 weeks will be the first big milestone for me. I am seeing my OB here in Longmont for regular appointments and a specialist practice in Denver every four weeks for ultrasounds to check growth. PE and related placental issues can often be caught by keeping track of the growth. They will also likely check blood flow to the placenta as the pregnancy progresses.

We have already had three ultrasounds and I am 12 weeks today. The first was very early because I was spotting. The second was a viability scan. Yesterday I had the first trimester screen for Down Syndrome etc. Baby looked good, moving around, and perfectly normal neck fluid. The next one will be at 18 weeks when we do the big anatomy scan. We will be very familiar with this baby by the time he/she is born. I am taking baby aspirin every day and fish oil twice a day in addition to the regular prenatal vitamins. The ASA and fish oil may help delay PE in some cases.

I have mostly been feeling well. I had similar morning sickness that I did with Bennett for a couple of weeks. Now I just get the normal tiredness. Hopefully everything continues nice and normally.

Here are the latest ultrasound pics.


Heather said...

I am SO excited for you! I have my fingers crossed that this pregnancy goes smoothly for you and that you get to carry your new little one to full term. Bennett is going to be a fantastic big brother.

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