Thursday, July 16, 2009

oh...the rolling

It is getting a bit out of control...especially last night. For the past few weeks, Bennett wakes 1-3 per night because he has rolled on his tummy and woken up mad. It's usually easy to get him back to sleep, just turn him over and give him his pacifier. Well last night we decided that we would leave him with a baby sitter for the first time. It was our anniversary and we had a nice time out to dinner and going for margaritas. Three hours without Bennett was strange and I did worry, but of course he was safe and sound. Our baby sitters are a couple of 13 year old girls that live in the neighborhood. They have both taken classes and know CPR etc. Anyway, I'm off track. He was asleep when we got home. At about 12:30 he woke up on his tummy. I rolled him back over and gave him what I though was his pacifier. Wrong. It was the wrong one and I could not find the right one. Well, he kept rolling over and waking up every ten or so minutes for the next couple of hours. Fun times! Bernie finally got up (had to be at work at six this morning btw) and changed his diaper and put familiar jammies on him. Nice try. Five minutes later he was on his tummy and really awake. He had somehow peed out of his diaper in that small amount of time. I changed him again, fed him (haven't done that in a long time) and finally went back to sleep after 3am. He was not in the best mood today. Good news is I found the right pacifier so hopefully tonight goes better. It will be wonderful when he either enjoys sleeping on his tummy or learns how to get himself back to his side/back.

I have cut down on pumping again. Two days ago I finally weaned down to once per day. The supply had definitley dropped off. I will likely quit by the time we go to Great Falls in 10 days. Doing my best to cope with the mommy guilt.

We are headed to GF on the 27th and will be there about a week. Not so much looking forward to seeing my dad. He really does get worse every time I see him. It's only a matter of time before I...and by that I mean we...will need to take more responsibility. Oh the fun of being a grown up. I know I'm not the only one who will be dealing with these issues.

My mom is going to have Bennett over night on the night of the wedding. How strange that will be! We'll be in Helena, 90 whole minutes away in a hotel room alone. It should be a good time.


Michaela said...

Obviously, I'm not a baby expert, but would something like this work? the little boy I nannied used one for awhile.

Heather said...

I am so excited to see you three when you come to town again! I get to see your little man!