Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I've been lax about posting due to the influx of guests we've had over the past ten days. Bernie's parents were here for almost a week. We laid low a lot of the time, but did fit in a really good dinner in downtown Denver. They were having a restaurant week. For $52.80 a couple could eat a full course meal (5280 being Denver's elevation). Our meal was yummy and would have normally cost $50 per person, so it was a good deal. Jackie and I did some shopping and big Bernie cooked us a few meals. The Bernie's also created a fenced off vegetable garden separated from my flowers. I intend to make good use of it this summer.

The weather here continues to be mostly warm and mild. We have had a number of days in the 60's recently. My flowers started to come up about a month ago...I just hope they don't get zapped by any sudden cold.

The day Bernie's parents left, Bernie went up to the ski hill to meet up with some friends. He stayed three nights and had a great time. He came home with a pretty ugly bruise on his leg. My mom flew down the next day. I don't know if she put Bennett down for more than 15 minutes the entire time she was here. He even slept on her a lot of the time. I got to sleep a great deal which felt wonderful. She insisted on getting up almost every time. And she cooked. Three different kinds of cookies, pumpkin gingersnap tart, and chicken enchiladas. I think I will eat some for dinner.

Sorry about the flood of new photos on Flicker, but we took a bunch over the past 10 days.

Back to reality tomorrow. Bernie's back at work and mommy and Bennett are on their own again.

We had our pictures taken yesterday at JC Penny. They were not great, but there were a few good ones. Hopefully when they are posted online people will be able to see them. They would have turned out better if the lady had been running on time. Our appointment was for 11. We fed Bennett at 10 and he was smiley and in a good mood between 11 and 11:30. The session didn't even start until 11:30 and by the middle we had a crabby non-smiling baby on our hands. That will teach me to make the first appointment of the day.

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