Saturday, April 30, 2011

General Stuff Post

The coolest thing about the new van: how it works with my ipod. I never liked to use the ipod in the car before even though I had a connector because scrolling around on the stupid thing while trying to drive is annoying, not to mention dangerous. The van has a USB port in the glove box. I plugged the ipod into it and my entire library is on the regular vehicle display. And it is super easy to search through and find what you want using the van controls...sort of like finding a radio station. I'm sure this has been around for awhile, but I'm consistently behind the tech curve.

Vivian is officially six months. We have started trying solids, but thus far she spits everything out (tried cereal, fruit, and veggies). We'll just keep offering at this point. She seemed sooo interested, I thought she'd take to it right away. File that prediction under the growing pile of "mom thinks she knows how the kids will react to something, but not really." Her MD appointment went well. She's 16 lbs. 11 oz and 25.5 inches which is all right around 50th percentile. She is rolling all over the place and (please don't jinx it) sleeping a bit better. The last couple of nights she slept from 7:30 to 1:30 (with a few short interrruptions) and again from 1:30 to 5:00 or so. Then I bring her to bed with me for the last couple of hours.

Bennett is getting a couple of words out consistently and clearly. The ones I can think of at the moment are "hi" and "no." He is babbling repeated letters a lot, so I hope he is on his way in that department. He has been having more fun being around other children and making more eye contact as well. All good things. I still worry about him all the time, but I suppose that won't stop no matter what.

My dad is still saying that he needs to move out of the house by the end of the summer. He usually changes his mind, but for now I am running with it. I requested applications for Eagles Manor and Park Manor in GF. He agreed I could fill them out just in case he decided to move to one (rather than traveling around the country every few months to live different relatives). Both places offer some light housekeeping as well as meals. I hope he will decide to give it a try. I'm not sure how long he will last there until he needs more assistance and has to move to the nursing home. He would be a great candidate for assisted living, but doesn't have the money. Montana has waiver spots (long waiting lists) at ALF's for Medicaid recipients, but he has consistently refused to apply. It took some convincing to apply for disability a few years ago.

I think I will buy our vegetable plants this week and get those in. My goal is to get a couple of good tomato producers this year. I have had trouble in the past. Usually I plant 3 or 4 and only 1-2 make it.

We are over $8,000 for the race today! I'm getting excited to raise our goal and very nervous that it's less than two months away. We still don't have any real cash sponsorships which is really frustrating when you've applied to what seems like a zillion places. But we do have food, coffee, and possibly some fruit. I'm trying to stay positive and send good vibes out into the universe. Maybe good things will bounce back.

1 comment:

Heather said...

My grandma (my mom's mom) was in Eagle Manor and my mom was impressed with their level of care there. I can't imagine how frustrating that has got to be on you!