Monday, January 10, 2011

Twice a month

That's my goal for blogging. If I can update twice a month, I will be happy. It's always on my mind, but never the primary thing that needs to be accomplished. We'll see if it's a realistic goal. Judging by the date of my last post, probably not.

We are headed to Phoenix on Saturday for almost two weeks. Bernie's entire family will be there (minus the brother-in-law) and so will my mom. It should make for an interesting group of people, especially with my mother in attendance. I don't think we have any really exciting plans. I would like to get up to Flagstaff since there is a weather service office there...need to check out possible future locations after all. Speaking of weather service jobs, one of Missoula's management positions is coming open. I'm 95% sure Bernie is going to apply, and we're also 99% sure he won't get it. But it will be good for him to keep his resume up to date. We hope he at least gets an interview so we know how close (or not) he is to a promotion.

Vivian had her two month MD visit over two weeks ago now. Everything looked great. Last week at the weigh in I take her to she was 12 lbs. 11 oz. I looked back at Bennett's adjusted growth and they are fairly close. We'll see if Vivian keeps up with him.

I need need need to get some exercise in my days when we get back from Phoenix. I think I will try some stroller strides with just Vivian when Bernie has days off during the week. I enjoyed that with Bennett. And maybe some Wii fit if I can find a game that gives a decent work out. The one it comes with is a joke.

Whoever said breastfeeding takes the weight off is a dirty liar. I keep waiting, but the scale never goes down.

We took Bennett for his speech eval last week and were not surprised by the results. She felt he was "significantly delayed" and needs to have therapy. In fact, she thinks he will qualify for free therapy through the school district because he is likely below the 8th percentile in his speech. So we have an appointment set up for that when we get home. If he does qualify, they will come to the house until he is three and then he can get therapy in the pre-school in our district. It hurt a bit to hear that, but I'm glad we are going to get some help with it. They may be able to help us out with some issues that seem sensory as well (especially his eating habits).

I am in the thick of organizing the preeclampsia walk. It is quite the undertaking. We're hoping to raise $10,000. To that end, I am compiling lists of sponsors and sending out the letters. Then we need a route map, mileage chips, portable toilets, trash cans, entertainment, food, etc. The list seems endless at the moment. We did get a great location at a park in downtown Denver, so that big part is out of the way. I'm really excited to have the opportunity to do this.

The winter is long. Even though the weather hasn't been too bad, I will be excited for spring and getting outside with the kids more.


Sara Habein said...

A friend of my mom's has a son who is a year older than Jack, and he did some at-home therapy from the time he was 2 until about now. He's in preschool now. I think it was a similar program -- speech and sensory stuff -- but from what I understand, it worked really well for him. Starting so early with Bennett, I bet once he's older, you'll hardly be able to tell the difference between him and "typical" (whatever that is, right?) kids.

Anyway, hang in there.

Kristen J. said...

I just know Ava is going to get referred to speech therapy as well. I am bracing myself for it, as thinking about someone saying that to us makes me want to cry :/

Michaela said...

Jillian Michaels Ultimate challenge is a good Wii game. It seriously kicks your butt. You are welcome to borrow ours, since I'll be sticking to lower impact workouts for the next 6 months or so :-)

Heather Mel said...

Biggest Loser for the Wii is a pretty good workout if you set it past beginner. Avalon was WAY behind on speach. Did a little speech therapy and she took off.(And won't stop talking now.)

Amanda and Bernie said...

Thanks for the encouragement about Bennett's speech. I'm just happy that we are going to get some involvement while he is still young.

And I might have to take you up on that Michaela, it would be nice to try it out before I decide what to buy.