Sunday, December 6, 2009

Winter Wonderland

It has been snowing here all day long. I usually make it a point to get Bennett out of the house every day, but I couldn't muster the energy to brave the very snowy roads outside our house. Hopefully tomorrow will be more encouraging. Maybe I will take him to the pool. The rec center here has a great indoor pool perfect for babies. And Bennett always likes to spend some time in the water.

I've been feeling a bit hung over today. Bernie and I played Trivia last night at Old Chicago with a couple of his softball/meteorologist buddies. We actually won two of three rounds and came in second place overall (not that I contributed any answers). It was the second time we have played trivia there and it has been a fun...I'm sure we will try to make it whenever we can. The babysitter called about an hour in and told me that Bennett had been up for 45 minutes and wouldn't go back to sleep which is unheard of. He doesn't usually make a sound for the first 4-5 hours of sleeping at night. Turns out he was making a bit of noise and was moving around when she checked on him. So she took him out of the crib. I guess I should have explained that babies move around/make noise in their sleep and don't take him out of his crib unless he is awake and crying. Hopefully I made my point. He did end up going back down and we didn't have to come home for it to happen, so no harm done.

Last Sunday, Bennett was obviously not feeling well. He was lethargic, didn't want to play, and his appetite was down. I was holding him on the couch and Bernie had just left to get him a couple of things at the store. I looked down and all of a sudden the most enormous about of vomit came out of his mouth and all over me and him. It was probably all the food he had eaten during the past 12 hours. It was so pitiful. It was the only time he threw up, but he had some loose stools for a day or so. Then totally back to normal. I'm not sure if it was a stomach virus or something he ate. Poor baby.

I don't think I mentioned that I did end up buying the tickets for Elton John and Billy Joel, but the concert was postponed two days before. I sent the tickets back for a refund (they were crappy seats) and I will probably try to get better ones for the new date on February 22.

I need to start thinking about Christmas shopping. Our vikings tree is up (oh joy) and I will try to set up the other one tonight. I'm not so into Christmas, but I want to get some family traditions going this year. I actually have a stocking...a first for me. We also got one for Bennett. I will likely make an ornament "with" him and do an obscene amount of baking.

I have a number of mom group play dates this month, so all of the baked goods won't go in my/Bernie's mouth. There is also a cookie exchange in next Saturday which might be the highlight event of the month. I can't wait to get some new recipes. Not that I need them what with the magazine I just bought with 100 cookie recipes. I made chocolate thumbprint ones the other day that were amazing. They were like little brownies rolled in pecans and doused with caramel. Labor intensive, but so worth it. Ok, I'll shut up about cookies now.

I took Bennett in for his first haircut on Thursday. Although is long, slightly curly hair was cute, Mommy needed to rid the world of the mullet. I have spent my life making fun of people with mullets, and I couldn't deal with Bennett having one. And, yes, I know lots of babies have them, nothing wrong with it, etc. It was a personal issue. He behaved surprisingly well but wouldn't stop trying to look the direction the cut was happening.


Sara Habein said...

Oh god, there's a severe baby mullet in my house right now. I wouldn't mind the long hair, if it would just grow evenly. Grace's was curly, so it didn't look so mullet-y. Jack goes back and forth on the idea of a haircut. I don't want to just buzz it off ourselves like we did before we went to Florida, but I want to know he'll sit in the chair without flipping out too. Maybe if I bribe him with gummy bears? haha

Sara Habein said...

(and speaking of Florida, it was on that trip that Jack puked all over me! So you are not alone.)

Heather Mel said...

I too have been doing an "obscene amount of baking." I love any excues to do it but don't know what to do with it all becuase i mean "OBSCENE"