Thursday, September 17, 2009

Poor Bennett

Life has been a bit trying around here, especially for Bennett. First he got the two teeth, then it was the ear infection. Everything was normal for a bit. Until yesterday when the snot started to run. He has picked up what seems to be his first cold. Sneezing and runny nose are the main symptoms at this point and we're hoping to avoid anything worse. His sleeping habits have been erratic. Some nights he sleeps through the night, other nights he wakes multiple times and has to eat. Excitement I tell you. I feel terrible for his sore little nose. I try to wipe it with a lotion tissue as much as possible. He hates that nasal aspirator, but who wouldn't.

He continues to feed himself at almost every meal. He is especially crazy at dinner. The kid just shovels it in. I have fed him some meat, including pork and chicken. I didn't think he liked it because I tried the jarred stuff in the past and that was a no go. But, really, who wants pureed jarred meat? I tasted it and it ain't so great.

I am still training for the 10K in November. I am a bit slow in gaining the distance I would like. The lake by our house has been conquered a couple of time which is my long at this point--3.6 miles. We'll see if I can push it to 4 this weekend. I get bored easily of the same kind of exercise day after day. To avoid that I vary it quite a bit with Stroller Strides, swimming, running, and group exercise classes. Right now my right hip is bugging me, so hopefully that clears up soon.

I am currently watching the season premier of The Office. I have never followed it religiously, but it's so funny when I do catch it.

I am actually hosting a baby play date for one of the meet-up groups I am apart of. I have not been great about getting to the events, but they always seem to fall when Bennett is likely to be napping. We are going to try and get him down to two naps per day once the illness has passed so hopefully I can make it to more. I haven't had too much luck finding people that I have much in common with but more effort may be needed. It seems like I have an increasingly difficult time making real friends as I get older. What's up with that?


Michaela said...

Oh no about your hip! I hope it isn't the same thing I have had. Have you taken any of the yoga classes at the rec center? I know I should . . . just need to make the commitment. I used to do yoga in TX and it really helped me physically and mentally.

Amanda and Bernie said...

I was going to write that I must have caught the same ailment you have! Mine is more of a lower back issue combined with recent nerve pain in my hip/rear. I'm hoping a few days of rest will take care of it. I also need to learn to carry Bennett in a more safe manner.

I have not taken any yoga really, except pre-natal. I need to try it out sometime. I did go to a stretching class today which felt really great.

Sara Habein said...

I have the same nerve pain. Crops up about once a month, more or less. Only had it occasionally after Grace, but second time around... thanks, Jack!

As far as making new friends, I find I have the same problem. I've lived here 6 years now, and have... well, about 6 friends. None of whom have kids, aside from one whose kids are 21 and 15. I think it might be harder for us because we've had the same really good friends for well over 10 years now (some, 20!) We know them so well and for so long that it's effortless and maybe we never really figured out how to do that as grown-ups. Maybe we'll get better at it. We must eventually, right?

(so, yes, this subject has been on my mind too.)

Amanda and Bernie said...

I think you're right, Sara. I just haven't learned to make friends well as an adult. I need to step it up.