Thursday, February 12, 2009


Things are pretty status quo around here lately. We have been having ongoing gas issues with Bennett. If anyone has any advice, we/he would appreciate it. We are trying the Dr. Brown bottles. Hopefully that will help in a few days.

I got the results of my HELLP blood work. Everything was negative, so it doesn't look like I have any underlying disorders. Basically that means my chances of preeclampsia are higher than a normal woman because I've had it before, but not extraordinarily higher. My doctor did not test for every possible disorder. He did not think it was necessary because not all of them are highly correlated. I guess I just need to trust the medical professional.

Bernie has been on his overnight shifts the last few days. These are my least favorite because he's gone all night and then sleeps all day. It's rough when Bennett is going three hours between when he starts eating and eats again. But last night, he went four hours both times! This was an exciting development. Here's hoping that it continues. He has a weight check tomorrow. He's probably in the high 8 lb. range. The newborn clothes are starting to get a little tight, but the 0-3 month stuff is still a bit big.

We are planning a trip to Great Falls/North Dakota in April/May. We are going to stay a whole week in each place. Melanie has her graduation in early May, so hopefully we can make it whatever kind of celebration she plans on having. Bernie's parents are coming to visit the first week in March and my mom will be here the second week. There are also whispers of visits from Marlena and my dad at some point. We'll see. There's also a trip to Portland in the works for June. We still haven't met our new nephew who was born in August.

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