Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Dog Days

Hailey has had a ruff couple of weeks. I took her hunting with me back in ND and the morning after the first day of hunting her paw swelled up like a club. A piece of wood or a thorn pierced her paw and went half way in. This is what the Vet. in ND told me after x-rays. The infection area on the paw swelled up so big that it burst and left a big wound on her paw. Last week we took her to the vet again and they cleaned and wrapped it and told us to come back next week (yesterday). Then yesterday they knocked her out and sewed shut the paw. So far its been 3 trips to the vet. Let's just say those pheasants better taste real good cause the cost of them keep going up.

Here is a picture of her with her e-collar (lamp shape) on so she doesn't lick it.

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