Monday, October 29, 2007

Crunch Time

I'm definately feeling it. It's over halfway through the semester and the big projects are looming. This week I have to spend two days in a nursing home to collect data for a needs assessment I'm doing and complete what's shaping up to be a fifteen page paper for a different class. My brain is feeling a bit academicized (no, I do not know if that is a word), but it's exciting at the same time.

However, I have been reconsidering the whole PhD plan. I have always harbored fantasies of being a professor, but a dissertation may be too much. And I am surprised by how much I miss direct practice. I really, really miss my residents! Instead, I will probobly complete an MSW eventually. I should be able finish that in a year or less and then I will be eligible for a state license. I suppose I should finish the degree I'm working on now first...

Bernie has been in North Dakota hunting for the past few days so I have been flying solo...which translates into lots of homework and HGTV. He's coming home tonight and I have informed him that he's taking me to dinner for a little socialization. After all, the research shows that socialization and goal-directed behavior are protections against the development of Alzheimer's Disease! That's the kind of shit swimming around my head at any given moment.

In other exciting news, I bought two baby plants last week and potted them today. Before we moved, I had two plants. One in particular I had grown successfully for two years. They were not going to live through the trip, so I gave them to my mom and cried a little bit. So now I will try the whole plant mommy thing again and try not to get so attached. I also got tree/shrub and flower books so I can start planning for next spring.


Sara Habein said...

I had a plant once, and then Lucy decided she was jealous that I watered it, so she kept tipping it over. It only survived a few repottings.

The Red Fantastic said...

Haha, I loved the line on the prevention of Alzheimer's. I can imagine the direct work would be a huge void. I am more of a hands-on person, too. I am sure as you move on in your studies your true desires will become apparent. Smartypants! LOVE! -me