Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Settling in

I think we are finally getting there...boxes are unpacked and things are looking somewhat normal around here. We are also getting into somewhat of a routine, although I am still adjusting to the whole school scenerio. It's strange to manage all of my own time again. Graduate school is dramatically different than undergradute. I'm taking 12 credits which is considered over full time. The reading alone is a bit suffocating after about seven hours of it in a day, but I'm coming along. Now...I just need to get a start on all of the big class progects.

Another interesting thing I have noticed since starting is they type of people who go to grad school. In a class or group before, there were always a lot of quiet or middle-of-the-road talkers and usually one or two that dominated the conversation. Now everyone wants to talk and everyone thinks they're right. And I'm included. I leave class with a ton of energy and ideas, but with a bit of a headache also. So many type A's in one room. Of course, three of my classes have 6 or fewer students, so that may have something to do with it. Ahh..and we cannot forget the multitude of wonderful smells I contend with on school days. When I get to Greely it's cow shit all the way related to the fertilizer plant. Tonight, about 10 miles out, it was the distinct smell of canned cat food (related to???) and then moldy musty dirty laundry smell. It's sort of a gamble on the backroads, but at least I don't have to deal with the interstate.

I am also in the process of planning Bernie's 30th birthday party. Most likely it will be a ski weekend at Vail or Breckenridge in mid-January. If anyone out there wants to visit around that time, let me know. It's a good thing I'm studying gerontology.

My dad is still dragging his feet about buying his plane ticket, which wouldn't be that big of a deal if he wasn't supposed to be here in 10 days. He needs to pull his head out of his ass because he and my mother CANNOT visit at the same time.


The Red Fantastic said...

mmm, the smells sound delicious! :p

Good joke on Bernie getting old. If I didn't hate skiing I'd offer to come around then. Can I just sit in the lounge and sip cocktails?

I've heard similar things about graduate school from people I have met recently. It seem like a pretty awesome experience. If I ever get there I am looking forward to it.

Glad things are shaping up!

Amanda and Bernie said...

I probobly won't be skiing much either, as I have only done it twice and suck...so cocktails will probobly be what I spend most of my time doing. I have a feeling there will be a few non-skiiers attending, if you are really interested.