Monday, August 20, 2012

Motivation to update this blog has been lacking lately.

Bernie's parents were here for a visit last week.  We took the kids up to the mountains to ride the train on the Georgetown loop.  Bennett was very pleased.  I can't imagine what his reaction is going to be when we go to "Day Out With Thomas" next month.  I think he will either be very excited or totally afraid.  That trip will include a ride on a life-size Thomas and Sir Topam Hatt will be there as well.  I am trying to prepare him now to minimize the shock.

It's always nice to have grandparents (or any visitors) around.  Bernie and I finally got to use a hotel stay in Broomfield that he won at a 5K over a year ago.  It was weird to sleep somewhere and not be in any danger of hearing your child cry.

Speaking of 5K's, I have finally recommitted to running.  I even have a schedule of 3 days on and 1 day off.  I have been feeling motivated to go every day and have seen some improvements already.  The plan will be to run a couple of races this fall with the goal of running one in under 30 minutes.  I think the fastest I could do it now is around 33 minutes, so there is a lot of work to do.

In other self-improvement news, I signed up for a Spanish class in Boulder.  It starts next week.  I hope my brain is ready to deal with language-learning again.  My resume needs some kind of addition for future job hunting and it is something I have wanted to pick up again for a long time.

Bernie has been hard at work in the yard-seeding the dead spots, pulling endless weeds, and tearing down dead trees with his bare hands.  He really did that last thing this morning.  It was a small tree that had been very dead for a very long time, but still a manly display.  I'm waiting and hoping for the raised beds I want on to go on sale so we can get those installed this fall.  And then there's our very large, hot, uncovered patio.  We have gotten one bid and will get another tomorrow for covering possibilities.  It seems that the projects are never-ending even in a semi-new house.

Our container tomatos and peppers have not done well at all.  I'm sure it has something to do with the zillion degree heat we've had all summer.  I will be glad to have a regular garden back next year.  And fall, I'm very very glad that fall is almost here.

Bennett went back to his old public preschool today.  The class he was in last year was only 7 kids, so it seemed a shock for him to see it full with 14 today.  He really loves his teachers there though.  I think he will be fine once he readjusts, but there is always the danger of him falling into the background because he is often quiet and withdrawn.  We will see what happens.

My mom used a gift card I gave her to get her very first pedicure at a spa in Great Falls.  I gave it to her 2005.  She recently found it in her car.  And then she sent me an email photo of her gigantic feet as a thank you.  It's the gift that keeps on giving according to her.