I flew in Friday night to stay with my mom for the weekend. She was in a nasty accident last week after a Holiday Inn Van made an illegal left turn out of a parking lot and almost hit her on her bicycle. She stopped suddenly to avoid hitting her and fell off. She broke seven ribs and punctured a lung. She was in the hospital for five days. So I decided to come up and be of some use (mostly by driving her around since the narcotics prevent her from doing so). She is in a lot of pain and VERY stressed out (as usual), but she will recover. There is some extra fun drama added in because the police did not cite the driver and reports seem to be mysteriously missing. Hopefully, that all gets resolved tomorrow.
I'm headed back to Colorado tomorrow. Bernie's been at home all weekend and had some fun without me. He went golfing and out to dinner with some friends today. Now he owes me some golf and dinner. School starts up in two weeks. I am getting anxious about that, well mostly just the teaching part. I'm sure once I get the hang of it I will be fine. What should they call me? Amanda? Mrs. Meier? Professor Meier? I don't know. A lot of them will be close to my age so I need some sort of respect. Mrs. Meier makes me feel like an elementary school teacher. I have permission to use professor, but I don't want to mislead people.
The little one seems to be doing well. We heard the heartbeat again last week and everything was progressing normally. We will find out the gender on Sept. 8th. I can't wait to shop for gender specific items! I've recently gone on a maternity clothes shopping spree, so it's someone else's turn. Also, we became an uncle and aunt again on Friday. Bernie's sister had a boy named Grant Bernard. He was a big boy at almost 9 lbs.
OK, it's time for bed. I need to get up early to drive my mom on some errands before I leave.