Thursday, September 27, 2012

We can all pretend that I am going to update more frequently, but I think everyone would be disappointed.  For whatever reason, this is always the last thing on my to-do list that gets done.  

All is well at the Meier house.  We are FINALLY transitioning into fall and I am loving that.  I was just thinking this morning that I need to get the kids on a leaf-collecting walk and look at Pinterest for a leaf project that we probably won't ever complete!  Anyone seeing a theme here??  To my credit, we finally did some Angry Bird rock painting this morning.  I've only had the rocks sitting around for 4 months or so.  It didn't go too well since Bennett is totally freaked out about having paint on his hands and the rocks need to be held in order to paint on all sides.  But we did it!  I just have to find some eyes to paste on them.  I applaud the effort of my non-artistic self.

Bennett has been sick for a few days now.  Not the lay in bed all day kind of sick, but he's been out of school for the past two days.  He has a very hoarse voice and some mild coughing.  The on-call pediatrician he saw yesterday suspected croup since it's going around.  So now we are treating that and waiting to see if Vivian gets it as well.  Bennett is a little more emotional and lower energy than usual, but otherwise is functioning like his normal self.  It makes it hard to keep him resting.  

We had our house-warming party over the weekend.  It was a good time and a fairly big party.  I'm sure we had 40-50 people here-seemingly all of them with 1-3 kids.  Our house seemed to work really well for that kind of get-together.  It did make me happy that we have decided to do the kiddo birthday parties together this year.  

My mom left on Saturday after a week-long visit.  All in all it was successful and we are all still living.  She is already talking about coming back in November.  She likes those cheap day after Thanksgiving flights.  

We took the kids to Day out with Thomas on Sunday.  Bennett was just starting to get sick and was very difficult to focus and deal with.  He is still talking about it, so I assume he had a good time on some level.  Maybe next year will be better.  

Promise Walk planning is starting again.  I had a really promising meeting with a couple of volunteers who want to be on the planning committee.  It looks like we are going to drop the 5K and focus on making the event as meaningful to our participants as possible.  That should also help us keep costs under control.  We have a "budget" meeting with the national coordinator on Friday, so we will see what she has to say about it.  I have a feeling it will along the lines of "spend as little money as necessary, and raise as much as possible!"  Just a hunch.  But I am getting my enthusiasm for it back, so that's a good thing.  

I am at the end of my first Spanish class and am happy so far.  I feel like I am about at beginning of the third year of high school.  We are starting the preterite in the next session.  That should confuse me nicely for awhile.    

We are North Dakota bound (driving....gag)  in about 10 days.  Bernie is finally going hunting after a three year hiatus.  I'm looking forward to it.

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